Getting Ready For
College Workshop
This workshop is for 10th and 11th graders. Learn about the SAT and ACT, as well as how to navigate the college admissions process. Understand how to narrow your college search, application tips and tricks, scholarships and financial aid, as well as discounted tuition programs. Be confident as you consider your plans after high school and make sure that your choices now are setting you up for success.
Exploring Your Career
& Major Workshop
This workshop is for 8th graders-college students looking to narrow in on a career option or choose a major. This class is set up in stations where individual exploring will take place. Students will be given a career assessment prior to class. Ms. Starcher will interpret the assessment in a one-on-one and suggest possible career interests. There will be various career activities to participate in to make an informed decision where your interests lie in a career and major. Changing your major once you are in college can cost time and money. Let us help start you out on the right path! *Parents are strongly encouraged to attend
Planning For
High School Workshop
This workshop is for 8th and 9th graders looking to get a strong start to their high school careers. Learn about the required classes, the class levels, grading scales, PSAT that is needed knowledge in your first years of high school. Understand how your activities and choices starting in 8th and 9th grade can impact your college admissions process. see how you can make the most of the opportunities that await you in high school! This workshop is packed with information on how to navigate high school to get the most out of your high school years and prepare you for the best college admission process.
Career Certification Course
This 120-hour course is for professionals looking to apply for the GCDF (Global Career Development Facilitator) or CCSP (Certified Career Services Provider) certifications. Through a combination of face to face, Zoom sessions, and working on your own, learn the twelve career competencies and more along with examples of engaging activities for your students and clients. Make yourself more marketable with a global career certification!
One - on - One with Kristen
Meet with Kristen to discuss anything covered in the Getting Ready for High School, Getting Ready for College, Senior To-Do, Exploring Your Career & Major Workshops and more! Let her help plan your high school courses and activities, schedule your SAT or ACT, organize your college applications, apply for financial aid, choose your major, read your college essay and generally be a helping hand as you tackle this process.
SAT/ACT Prep Class
This one day workshop is great to help students prepare for the digital SAT and paper ACT. The workshop will teach strategies shared by local professionals who have researched these tests and know the material. Students will practice the skills as they are learning them, they will walk away from the class with new knowledge that will help taking the upcoming SAT or ACT test! Students who took the workshop have reported higher scores and less anxiety in going into the test.